Wednesday, 21 March 2012

So this is how it is.

I wrote a book.


Because i enjoyed doing it.... Then people started nagging at me to do something with it.  It took me months to find the courage but eventually I did 10 proof books and sent them out and about to see what the response would be.

Six months later here I am publishing it for real.  I had such a good response that it completely threw me.  I had the help of some wonderful people (not all friends and relatives I might add so the comments and suggestion were not biased)  who proof read the book for me and I took their advice on parts that maybe were not quite right and changed and altered them.

I did the artwork myself, funds not permitting any other choice and had a great pod printer that help me register the book.  ISBN ~ 978-0-9569969-7-8

So now I am trying to get the book out there.  I had 100 copies printed which are available through my website   Unfortunately small time people like me cannot afford to put the book on Amazon because they wanted to pay me less for the book than it cost for me to print!   However, it is on Amazon Kindle.


I am now writing part two ~  Beyond the Boundary - The Dragons Awake  and I have also written another book entitled the Wizard and the Witch which just needs a little more tweeking here and there. 

I am proud of what I have achieved, it might not make me a fortune (if it did i wouldn't grumble!)  but it is an achievment.  My ultimate dream would be to find an agent and see my books published worldwide, but I am not alone I know in that wish.

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